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Guangzhou Meizhixu Stage Lighting Equipment Factory
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Lighting professional standards division
Release date:2011-01-05 L S

1, the Occupational Profile

1.1 Occupational Names
Lighting division.
1.2 Occupational Definition
Able to use various types of lamps and related equipment to the theater, film

and television, dance halls and other kinds of cultural entertainment,

building exteriors, gardens and other green spaces artistic lighting

1.3 Professional Level
The job consists of five levels, namely: stage lighting operator (national

vocational qualifications 5), stage lighting (national vocational

qualifications 4), Assistant Stage Lighting Division (national vocational

qualifications 3), stage lighting division ( National Vocational

Qualifications 2), Senior Stage Lighting Division (national vocational

qualification level).
1.4 Occupational Environmental
Theater, theater, film and television shooting, the variety of cultural

entertainment and the need to place art lighting.
1.5 Characteristics of professional competence
Love of art, there is a certain degree of learning ability and artistic

accomplishments, visual, touch, smell and other sensory functions such as

good; no fear of heights, arm and finger flexibility and good health.
1.6 Basic education level
Graduating from middle school.
1.7 Identification of demand
1.7.1 apply to the object
Engaged or preparing to engage in the occupations.
1.7.2 declare Conditions
- Stage lighting operator (with one of the following conditions):
(1) The operator of this professional stage lighting formal training to reach

the required standards a few hours.
- Stage lighting member (one of the following conditions):
(1) to acquire the professional stage lighting operator qualification

certificate, engage in continuous professional stage lighting of not less than

one year, after the formal training of professional stage lighting staff a few

hours up to the required standards.
(2) to obtain the professional stage lighting operator qualification

certificate, continuous professional work in stage lighting of not less than 2

(3) obtained by the labor security administrative department audit found, in

order to target mid-level skills training for more than secondary vocational

schools of the vocational diploma.
(4) The professional or relevant professional post-secondary (including

vocational) The above graduates.
- Assistant Stage Lighting Division (with one of the following conditions):
(1) to acquire the professional qualification certificate stage lighting,

stage lighting continuously engaged in professional work not less than two

years, by this stage of career assistant gaffer formal training up to the

required standards a few hours.
- Stage Lighting Division (with one of the following conditions):
(1) to acquire the professional qualification certificate, Assistant stage

lighting division, the continuous professional work in stage lighting of not

less than two years, after formal training in stage lighting division a few

hours up to the required standards.
- Advanced Stage Lighting Division (with one of the following conditions)
(1) to obtain teacher certification stage lighting a row in the professional

lighting of not less than two years, after formal training in advanced stage

lighting division a few hours up to the required standards.

1.7.3 Identification Method
Is divided into theoretical knowledge examination (written) and skills

assessment operations. Theoretical knowledge examination will be closed book

written test or computer machine, skills, operational assessment conducted

using on-site practice. Examination (examination) results were taken to

percentile system, two points are more than 60 qualified. Stage lighting

division, the division identified need to high-level stage lighting through

integrated assessment.
1.7.4 Identification of workplace equipment
(1) theoretical knowledge examinations: the standard for classroom or computer

(2) Skills manipulation examination: site must have the simulation stage and

the necessary light, machines, electrical equipment and tools for assessment.
Second, the work requirements
2.1 "Professional Features", "work content" List
Occupational function work content
Stage lighting operator (5) Members of Stage Lighting (4) Assistant Stage

Lighting Division (3) Stage Lighting Division (2) Advanced Stage Lighting

Division (1)
First, a pre-performance preparation (1) Combination Lamps
(B) installation of lights
(C) light
(D) Prepare electrical equipment (a) installation of lighting combinations
(B) the combination of installing dimmer equipment (1) Preparation lamps
(B) preparing electrical equipment (1) Preparation lamps
(B) to control the device
Two performances of the operation (a) Operating lamps
(2) Fire (1) Operating lamps
(B) the operation of dimming equipment (1) Operating lamps
(B) the operation of dimming equipment (1) operation control device (1)

command operation
3, equipment maintenance and repair (1) equipment maintenance
(B) the maintenance of lights (1) maintenance tune-ray equipment
(B) the maintenance of theater circuit
(C) The lamps optical quality testing (1) Maintenance lamps
(B) the maintenance of tone-ray equipment b (a) repair and maintenance of

b (ii) the maintenance of CNC Equipment
Fourth, organization and management (1) procurement of equipment
(B) Organizations in Disaster Relief (1) Business Management
(B) organization and management a (1) Business Management
b (b) organization and management a (1) Arts Management
b (a) technology management
5, stage lighting design (1) Art Lighting Design
(B) System configuration design a (1) Art Lighting Design
b (a) System configuration design
  a (1) Art Lighting Design
b (a) System configuration design
6, research and innovation in a (1) Art Research and Innovation
b (1) technology research and innovation in a (1) Art Research and Innovation
b (1) Technology Research and Innovation

2.2 The work requirements of each grade
In view of the industry's need to have both artistic and technical talents,

into the high-level focused upon in the high-level job requirements carve as

artistic requirements (a) and technical requirements (b) two categories of

persons identified by the application choice category.
2.2.1 Stage Lighting Operators (5)
Functional job content requirements for knowledge and skill requirements of

the proportion of professional
A pre-performance preparation (a) a combination of lighting. Be able to read

the product manual lighting.
2. Be able to carry out the right combination of new lamps.
3. Correctly matching and installation of light sources. 1. Common electrical

2. Lamps in the name of spare parts and role.
3. Stage lighting circuits commonly used.
4. The type of stage lighting. 30%
(B) the installation of lights 1. Can be all kinds of lamps required to be

transported to a different lights.
2. Can be properly supported with access items. Suspension parts, to prevent

the fall, and ensure safety. 1. Theater of the composition and names of the

various lights and effect.
2. Anti-fall knowledge.
(C) the light one. Be able to adjust lighting as required, the correct

lighting of the various activities of fastening parts.
2. Can be equipped with the correct color film.
3. Can be carried out at high altitude light and safety. 1. Art lighting

2. Shade principles and characteristics of the formation.
3. Color film types and identification.
4. High above the ground safety knowledge.
(D) Prepare electrical equipment 1. Can be properly installed connectors and

2. Control signal, line number, the relationship between the number of

3. To the proper use of a variety of switches, automatic circuit breakers,

4. Master multimeter, clamp-type table, fixed voltage meter, ammeter use.
5. To master grounding, then zero, and mine safety measures. 1. Voltage,

current, resistance, electric power, Ohm's law and other basic electrical

engineering knowledge.
2. Theater lighting circuit layout.
3. Conductor current carrying capacity of the safety and short-circuit,

overcurrent protection, lighting of the current calculation of such knowledge.
4. Electric shock after shock prevention methods and first-aid knowledge.
5. Safety awareness.
Two performances of the operation (a) operation lamps 1. Be able to plot the

sentiment among the plot carried out according to the rhythm, the correct

manipulation of chasing light.
2. Can be performed quickly ruled out the process of replacing light source

like a small fault. 1. Plot and character art of the relationship between

characteristics and chasing light.
2. The basic musical knowledge.
3. Operation thermal lamp essentials. 35%
(2) Fire 1. Understand the various types of fire equipment storage location.
2. Occurs when the proper use of fire equipment, fire. 1. All kinds of fire

safety devices for working principles and the use of common sense.
3 equipment maintenance and repair (1) maintenance of equipment 1. Can

correctly clean lamps and accessories.
2. Can correctly clean room and the various dimming lights.
  1. A variety of cleaning tools.
2. Lamp storage area should have the environmental conditions.
3. Dimmer room should have the environmental conditions. 25%
(B) lines and frequently used lamps trouble shooting 1. Able to correctly rule

out the line fault.
2. Can correctly rule out the common faults of lamps commonly used. 1. Fault

lines and frequently used lamps and characteristics of the phenomenon.
2. Lines and lighting commonly used method of trouble shooting.
Relevant basic knowledge of one. Literary knowledge and regulations
2. 10% of basic knowledge of electrical engineering

2.2.2 Members of Stage Lighting (4)
Functional job content requirements for knowledge and skill requirements of

the proportion of professional
A pre-performance preparation (a) a combination of installed lighting. Can be

the right combination of special effects lamps (device).
2. Special effects can be properly installed lamps (device).
3. According to the standards used to identify the strengths and weaknesses of

optical quality lamps. 1. Lamps and accessories in the common knowledge of

electrical applications.
2. Gas-discharge light sources and associated power supply works.
3. Geometrical optics transmission, reflection, refraction law.
4. Illuminance meter instruments, etc.. 20%
(B) the combination of equipment to install a dimmer. Be able to carry out

lighting and control equipment, power line connection.
2. Can grasp Theater low-voltage electric distribution lines.
3. Be able to carry out small-scale mobile connection dimming system.
4. To the proper use of the stage boom.
5. Able to correctly connect special effects lamps (device) control circuit.

1. Three-phase alternating current, low-voltage distribution of knowledge.
2. Megohm table, power meter, power factor meter use.
3. Thyristor works.
4. Platform booms use of the system of knowledge.
5.dmx and other signaling protocols.
Two performances of the operation (a) operation lamps 1. Be able to skillfully

operate special effects lamps (device) and other more complex lighting

equipment. 1. Special effects lamps (device) to control the composition and

working principle of the device. 35%
(B) the operation of a dimming device. To complete a simple operation of the

performance repertoire
2. To complete the small-scale cultural and recreational facilities, dimming

equipment operation. 1. Repertoire in the screen, field, King of the division.
2. Lights, dimmer number, the control rod number, the overall relationship

between the control rod.
3 equipment maintenance and repair (1) maintenance of a dimming device. To

cleaning and maintenance tune-ray equipment. 1. Theater circuit and associated

components constitute the target location. 30%
(B) the maintenance of a theater circuit. To cleaning and maintenance theater

circuit and to get rid of one of the common faults. 1. Electrical equipment

for cleaning, maintenance knowledge.
(C) a lamp optical quality inspection. Be able to carry out lamps optical

quality testing. 1. Spherical lens, spherical mirror and other optical

components of the original works, and identification methods.
2. Light optical quality testing requirements and methods.
4 Organization Management (a) procurement of equipment 1. Be able to purchase

the proper lighting equipment in the wearing parts and supplies. 1. Wearing

parts and supplies quality easy identification. 10%
(B) to organize a relief. Well-known theater in the configuration of fire-

fighting equipment and equipment storage locations.
2. Be able to lead in the event of danger when the operator of the electrical

equipment for emergency treatment. 1. Electrical contact with water, fire and

other dangerous situations when dealing with knowledge.
Relevant basic knowledge of one. Stage, the meaning of the rhythm.
2. Basic Lelizhishi or percussive.
3. National and industry standards.
4. Optics and electrical engineering knowledge. 5%

2.2.3 Assistant Stage Lighting Division (3)
Functional job content requirements for knowledge and skill requirements of

the proportion of professional
A pre-performance preparation (a) Prepare a lamp. Be able to vote in the

proper use of a large King slide, projector lamps and other valuables.
2. Be able to use a general numerical lamps.
3. Be able to use a common laser show devices.
4. Read the English on the device ID. 1. Related to the optical path of light

2. Digital projector and the technical differences between conventional

3. The basic principle of laser generator and laser show devices composition.
4. English terminology. 15%
(B) Prepare electrical equipment 1. To know SCR room a prerequisite to

organize a combination of lighting control system equipment installation.
2. To master low-voltage distribution system theater.
3. To get rid of dimming equipment to audio and video equipment harassment.
4. Be able to read the English commonly used lighting equipment

identification. 1. Digital dimming cabinet structure and related standards.
2. The computer console, the composition and working principle.
3. The power system, electricity network, low-voltage distribution and other

aspects of knowledge.
4. Generated waves cause SCR harassment and isolation methods.
5. English terminology.
Two performances of the operation (a) operation lamps 1. To master the general

numerical control programming and the use of lighting. 1. NC structure and

working principle of the lamp. 25%
(B) the operation of a dimming device. In accordance with the requirements of

lighting design to complete the procedures for the preparation of light.
2. Repertoire according to the rhythm of the completion of the lighting

operation of the various performances. 1. The computer console programming

3 equipment maintenance and repair (1) Maintenance lamps 1. To get rid of

numerical lamps, large lamps common faults. 1. Related to the mechanical

structure drawings.
2. Aspheric lens and aspheric mirror the working principle and technical

requirements, understanding the composition of consumption aberration lens.
3. High-power switching power supply works and composition. 25%
(B) the maintenance of a dimming device. Be able to carry out maintenance on

the lighting control equipment, and troubleshoot common failures.
2. Be able to maintain control of the theater circuit. 1. NC dimming

2. Theater lighting control circuit composition.
4 Organization Management (1) business management 1. Be able to map the

organization in accordance with lights installed to work in Taiwan.
2. Able to conduct business operator guidance. 1. The relevant industry

2. "Icons of stage lighting code and mapping rules" map lights, cloth-ray map

read. 15%
(B) the organization and management 1. Be able to play a lighting department

2. Incidents of fire and other disasters, to organize and lighting department

for emergency treatment. 1. Stage art work of various departments of the

nature and mutual synergies.
5 Stage Lighting Design (1) Art Lighting Design 1. Can be designed according

to the intention of lighting a whole repertoire of the general lighting

2. Can be a simple lighting design performance. 1. Art lighting basics.
2. Lighting, light ratios, by the light body, colored light of knowledge.
3. A preliminary drawing and color study of knowledge-based. 15%
(B) System configuration design one. Can be a small theater lighting equipment

2. Can a small theater of the boom, etc. related to the stage machinery and

lighting configurations. 1. "Theater building design standards" in the

relevant regulations.
2. Stage machinery relevant knowledge.
Relevant basic knowledge of one. Read music to read.
2. Drama, music-related knowledge.
3. Optical and electrical engineering knowledge. 5%

2.2.4 Stage Lighting Division (2)
Functional job content requirements for knowledge and skill requirements of

the proportion of professional
A pre-performance preparation (a) Prepare a lamp. Be able to skillfully use

the advanced numerical control lamps.
2. Able to use lasers, optical fiber, TV wall art performances and other new

technologies services. 1. Lasers, laser scanning system; fiber generator and

control system.
2. The video technology. 10%
(B) to control the device 1. In the original control system can not meet the

performance required in the circumstances, to complete the lighting control

system expansion. 1. Performance requirements and lighting matches.
2. All kinds of lighting control equipment for each combination of techniques.
Two performances of the operation (a) operation control device 1. To complete

the large-scale performances in the lighting effects supervision.
2. To complete the computer lights, laser show, lights, etc. The artistic

effect of advanced CNC design and programming work.
3. Can be according to the requirements of lighting design, lighting effects,

complex repertoire reflects the work of the secondary. 1. Console features and

programming techniques. 15%
3 equipment maintenance and repair b (a) repair and maintenance of lighting

one. To the maintenance of gas-discharge light source power supplies.
2. Able to carry out normal maintenance on the NC lamps. 1. Gas discharge lamp

dedicated power principle and structure.
2. DC motors, stepper motors and other precision motor and the working

principle and characteristics of the annex.
3. Coated lens, film color film coating interference protection and cleaning

of knowledge. 15%
b (ii) the maintenance of a numerical control equipment. able to SCR dimmers

and console board-level repairs. 1. SCR trigger circuit simulation works.
2. SCR dimmers digital trigger circuit principle.
3. D / A converter circuits and components.
4. Microcomputer Principle and Interface knowledge of the work.
5. Lighting control system data transfer protocol.
4 Organization Management a (1) Business Management 1. To complete at home and

abroad in the large-scale performances in the light part of the management or

organization of a second embodiment. 1. The foreign drama schools, theater

history, theater history and relevant knowledge. 15%
ab (b) of the organization and management 1. be able to read foreign language

and professional-related specifications, operating manuals and other relevant

information. Have some foreign language conversational skills.
2. Assistant gaffer able to conduct business counseling and other personnel.

1. Foreign lighting industry related terminology, icons code and mapping

2. The relevant knowledge of foreign languages.
5 Stage lighting design a (1) Art Lighting Design 1. Be able to carry out the

art of lighting design repertoire, and draw out the lights diagram, lighting

diagrams, operation diagrams and text set out, as necessary, draw the climate

2. Be able to carry out medium and cultural entertainment, theme parks and

other projects of the art lighting design, and draw the layout diagram, map

lights, lighting system diagram and effect diagram. 1. Computer-aided design

of planar mapping, modeling, rendering, image processing software application

2. Table, the director of art relevant knowledge.
3. Color temperature, shade, light ratio, color psychology expertise. 25%
b (a) System configuration design one. to complete the system configuration

medium-sized theater lighting design and theater architecture and stage can

request and provide other configuration parameters. 1. "Theater building

design standards" and lamps, control equipment and other relevant standards.
2. Read architectural drawings.
3. Stage machinery, stage sound, architectural acoustics of the relevant

4. Construction, steel structure, ventilation, fire fighting facilities and

various types of pipelines, bridge of the relevant knowledge.
6 Research and Innovation in a (1) art research and innovation in one. There

is design work published or won awards.
2. Have a professional on the. 1. Specialized knowledge thesis writing. 15%
b (1) technology research and innovation in one. be able to suggest

improvements to the equipment.
2. Can be a combination of devices, applications and innovative points.
3. There is a professional stage lighting technology on the. 1. Equipment

manufacturing technology relevant knowledge.
2. Specialized knowledge thesis writing.
Relevant basic knowledge of one. Drama. Music. Art as art knowledge.
2. Painting techniques.
3. Stagecraft knowledge. 5%

2.2.5 Higher Stage Lighting Division (1)
Functional job content requirements for knowledge and skill requirements of

the proportion of professional
Two performances of the operation (1) command operation 1. Able to perform a

large repertoire of operations guidance.
2. Can be on the application of advanced computer lights lights lights or

large-scale computer cluster of the complex repertoire programming.
3. For light has a unique view.
4. To skilled foreign language reading and lighting-related specifications,

operating manuals, etc.. 1. Well-known lighting console features and

programming skills.
2. The relevant knowledge of foreign languages. 10%
4 Organization Management a (1) arts management 1. Can be complex or very

large repertoire performed in the light sector organizations.
2. Can serve as cultural exchanges with foreign director of our lighting

3. Have a higher foreign language conversational skills. 1. The relevant

knowledge of foreign languages. 25%
b (a) a technology management. can be performed in the very large (such as

large-scale performances Games opening and closing ceremonies, etc.) to

complete the lighting control network configuration design, and organize and

direct the relevant personnel.
2. Capable of large-scale theater, cultural and recreational facilities,

lighting department to manage. 1. Computer local area networks and network

protocols, lighting control equipment, such as private networks of knowledge.
2. Large-scale theater, culture and entertainment facilities, organizational

structure and operating mechanisms and institutions within the various

departments of the job content.
5 Stage lighting design a (1) Art Lighting Design 1. Can be complex or very

large repertoire of artistic performances in the lighting design.
2. Can be integrated theme park or landmark in the artistic landscape lighting

design. 1. Table, the director of art relevant knowledge.
2. Elaborated knowledge of drawings and text. 35%
b (a) System configuration design one. can be a large theater, large-scale

construction of cultural facilities to complete the configuration of lighting

system design and can theater architecture and stage lights made other

configuration requirements and parameters.
2. With the design, development of new lighting, new control equipment or non

-standard equipment capabilities. 1. "Theater building design standards" and

the stage of technological aspects of the relevant standard.
2. Metal processing technology, materials, mechanics, electronics and other

basic knowledge, master mechanical drawing, electrical drawing.
3. Related to optical design knowledge.
6 Research and Innovation in a (1) art research and innovation 1. In artistic

creation has unique insights to the performance of innovation in the form or

style, in this profession have a certain reputation.
2. The design of the works of provincial (ministry), above the city level

3. In the public offering of the provincial (ministry), the municipal journals

published over the stage lighting arts monographs.
4. Can be taught in professional courses and to write teaching materials. 1.

The new lighting equipment functions.
2. The world stage lighting arts and trends.
3. Specialized knowledge thesis writing. 25%
b (1) technology research and innovation in one. able to perform site

preparation or equipment, lighting equipment to innovate in this profession

have a certain reputation.
2. The works or products designed provincial (ministry), above the city level

3. At the provincial (ministry), the municipal public offering of the above

publications has published the technical aspects of stage lighting monographs.
4. Able to predict the technical aspects of stage lighting trends.
5. Can be taught in professional courses and to write teaching materials.
6. Has the technical achievements of other industries used stage lighting

technology capabilities. 1. Gold processing technology.
2. Optical components of the processing technology, and optical design of the

relevant knowledge.
3. The characteristics of electronic components and circuit knowledge.
4. The laws of artistic creation, arts and stage lighting technology and

equipment requirements.
5. Specialized knowledge thesis writing.
Relevant basic knowledge of one. Systems engineering knowledge.
2. Drama, music, art and other artistic knowledge.
3. Buildings and gardens in the relevant knowledge. 5%



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